How to Defy the Narcissist's 2 Biggest Rules

The scapegoat child has to be worse off than their narcissistic parent - OR ELSE!

  • This means it felt safer to feel bad than to feel good about yourself as a kid.

  • It is now possible to learn that you are safe to feel good about who you are.

  • But it's not as easy as telling yourself that. This webinar explains why and shows you what you can do to recover your right to self-worth.


I want to know that I am adequate & deserving

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What you will gain from this Webinar

Find Compassion for Yourself Then & Now

You did not choose to have to follow your narcissistic parent's rules that you are defective and undeserving. Compassionately understand what you went through and why you had to follow these rules back then.

Learn How Feeling Bad Prevented Abandonment

A narcissistic parent needs the scapegoat child to feel worthless so they do not have to. The child must do this or be psychologically abandoned by the parent.

Defy the Rule that You are Defective

Use the free worksheet provided to see how the rule of being defective affects you & what life would be like if you did not have to follow it.
You get to defy the rule, note the fears you experience as you do, and see what happens over time.

Defy the Rule that You are Undeserving

This rule can show up when the scapegoat survivor assumes no one will listen to what they have to say. Use the free worksheet provided to identify and challenge this rule in your life today. Build evidence that abandonment no longer happens when you know you are deserving.


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